Hear how much our pups are loved..
“I am absolutely thrilled with Lani. She and my bichon Mara are great friends, they even sleep together. So far sooo good! Lani seems to have more of a Lab personality (she saunters) and she just gets along with everyone. She has been super easy to potty train and is just a wonderful dog to have around. I have been working with her in all of the fundamentals and she is very bright. I know I sound just like a grandmother but your terrific dog is very conducive to bragging about! Thanks for the joy that I receive each day waking up to a lovely dog!”
– Michelle
“Bogey is doing fine and he is just amazing bunch of energy and joy. He had his first veterinarian check-up and everything was fine. He is sweet, but not dumb, very friendly toward people and learns amazingly quickly. We had a big family gathering during Christmas and a lot of young people visiting us; Bogey played with everybody and everybody loved him. He scored extra points with my husband, vivid golfer, by loving to play on the golf course. Pretty son, Rick will be taking Bogey to play with him round of golf! Just kidding.”
– Basia and Rick
“Sandy is smart, obedient, has a terrific disposition, and is all-around a terrific dog. We have a Labrador (13 years old) and a Cocker Spaniel (3 years) and she gets along terrifically with both.”
– Claudia Young
“Baxter is wonderful! We are so in love with him. He’s totally house trained, and goes through the doggy door to do his business. He can sit, shake, and lay down on command. I can’t wait to take him on walks and to the beach, after he gets his next shot. He’s really good about letting me clean his ears with solution and drops. He really wants to chew on something. He has lots of toys and has brought in a branch and pine cones and a couple of bark pieces. We are taking him for car rides often and he does great!”
– Karen
“Our little Sandy is doing GREAT… and is not so little anymore (around 50lbs)! She is such a smart, happy, obedient, and sweet dog; she brings us so much joy and we couldn’t be happier. We just can’t even imagine our life without our sweet girl. We took Sandy to a trainer at 10 weeks and with the advice we received, we’ve (mostly Ryan) done quite a bit of work with her (she picks things up incredibly fast). Sandy is now completely house trained (w/ exception to occasional carpet tears, chewing, etc.) sits, lies down, shakes, jumps, releases, and goes to her dog house on command!! She is constantly cracking us up…one of her favorite things to do is chase her tail around our legs and wiggle her way in between Ryan and my legs when we are standing up and hugging. She always has to be right in the middle. As you predicted (amongst other things), follows us everywhere we go like a little shadow and she is so quiet! She barks very rarely; only when she is scared by someone at the door (when it’s dark) or when we are playing with her (one of her favorite games is hide and seek). Did I mention we cannot keep her out of water? Everyone who meets Sandy falls in love with her, even non-dog people. She is just the sweetest. One day we’ll be back for another one and will have to introduce Sandy to her sister!”
“We love looking at the pictures on the website. The little puppies are so cute and small compared to our Jake who seems to be growing taller at an exponential rate! When we are out walking and people ask how old he is they are surprised. It’s fun because some people guess Jake’s breed and some say a “labrawhat?” But everyone is impressed with Jake, we had him neutered a few days ago and the vet went out of her way to say how friendly he is. We had to take him back the same day to refit his cone and he was totally excited to go into the vets and back to the exam area, now that’s sociable.”
– Anne